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Jolles House
Poplar HARCA and Hill Partnerships
Site Area
Number of homes
Homes per hectare
Local authority
London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Jolles House is a sensitive infill development of 70 new apartments on an existing east London estate. The project integrates with a mid-rise neighbouring building and creates a new landscaped courtyard within the Bow Bridge estate. 90 per cent of the new homes are for affordable rent and shared ownership.

The new homes also have large private balconies and terraces which provide a rhythm to the brick facades. The design uses generous access galleries to provide social spaces and enable homes to be dual-aspect.

Designs for the homes and garden square were developed in consultation with residents, the Bow Estate Board and neighbours.

Evolution is usually better than revolution
Evolution is usually better than revolution Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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Evolution is usually better than revolution