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Harvard Gardens
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Number of homes
Homes per hectare
Local authority
Southwark Council

The existing Aylesbury Estate includes 2,700 homes, making it one of the largest public housing estates in Europe. Since the 1980s it has become notorious for its high levels of crime and social disadvantage, and the London Borough of Southwark has embarked upon a phased regeneration programme. Pollard Thomas Edwards developed proposals for Site 7, in the north-east corner of the estate, which is now known as Harvard Gardens.

Our proposals knit this part of the estate back into the physical fabric of the area, and at the same time to fit in with the neighbouring parts of the retained estate and with the future context of the wider Aylesbury masterplan. Our design creates two new urban blocks separated by a mews street.

The homes at ground floor level have private back gardens which lead out into communal courtyards and play spaces at the centre of the blocks.

Apartments and terraces of houses are arranged around these two urban quarters, with a continuous brick ground storey linked to garden walls and broken only by a series of well designed entrances, which offer views into the central gardens and secure access to residents. A ten-storey block and pocket park marks the corner of Thurlow Street and East Street.

It creates 147 new mixed tenure homes, including 45 large family houses and maisonettes. Apartments are arranged around small cores, and 95% of homes are dual aspect.

L&Q have created high-quality homes for people on a range of incomes on this part of the regenerated Aylesbury Estate. With Southwark Council, we have retained the area’s strong sense of community, benefiting existing residents and those who want to move here.”
Andy Rowland, Land & Projects Director, L&Q
Evolution is usually better than revolution
Evolution is usually better than revolution Diespeker Wharf
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London N1 8JX

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Evolution is usually better than revolution